Benefit/Growth Investment
TRADE MARKET STOCK LTD is best suited for Sophisticated Investors – people who are experienced
enough to understand the risks and benefits of an investment opportunity.
Trade Market Stock have more investment strategy options at disposal than managers of most types
of investment.
Trade Market Stock offer the potential to achieve a greater return than is possible with many other
investment types.
What to remember when investing in Trade Market Stock?
• The funds you are allowed to invest in will depend on whether you are a retail investor
(minimum investment determined by the Trade Market Stock) or a qualified investor
(minimum investment of R1 million).
• At Trade Market Stock we charge a 1% management fee and a percentage, for example 20%
of returns, performance fee. The latter will typically kick in if your return is above a certain
A simple example would look like this:
o You have R1 million (the minimum as an individual investor) to invest with Trade Market
Stock Ltd.
o The Trade Market Stock aims to provide 13% annual return, which in this case is R130 000.
o You will be charged R10 000 as a management fee PLUS a further R26 000 – 20% of the
R130 000 your profit – if the fund grows by the 13% benchmark at least.
Who should invest in Trade Market Stock?
• Anyone who wants to accumulate wealth in the medium to long term and is prepared to
achieve this by accepting a certain level of risk.
How much money do I need to invest?
• As little as minimum R500 to R1 000 a month.Do I need to pay tax on profits?
• The interest and capital gains of Trade Market Stock are taxed. For people under the age of
65, there is an exemption of R23 800, and R34 500 for anyone over 65 on the interest
earned. With regard to capital gains tax, individuals are taxed at a marginal rate of 40% when
they sell. These figures are from 2020 and are subject to adjustment every year.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of investing in Trade Market Stock?
• An important advantage of Trade Market Stock is that we offer investors the ability to
diversify our assets, while a major disadvantage is we purchase equities and other securities
that are subject to market fluctuation
How are payments made?
• Payment can either be made monthly through debit orders or via lump-sum payments.